It is time for physics facts!

  1. Laser is an abbreviation ofLight Amplification byStimulated Emission of Radiation. 
  2. Radar is an abbreviation ofRadio Detection And Ranging 
  3. The lightning bolt is 3 times hotter than the Sun. 
  4. The amount of water beneath our ground soil is 50 times as much as all the water in the rivers and lakes combined.
  5. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced just enoughsound energy to heat up one cup of coffee. 
  6. Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on our planet 
  7. On a clear day, a beam of sunlight can be reflected off a mirror and seen up to 40km away.
  8. A car travelling at 80km/h uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance.
  9. The temperature in fahrenheit can be determined by counting the number of cricket chirps in 14 seconds and adding 40.
  10. On average, our bodies constantly resist an atmospheric pressure of about 1kg per square cm

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